Herzlichen Glückwunsch
zum tollen Wurf !!!
Eine bildschöne Mama und der Papa ja eh
oh wenn ich könnte wie ich wollte
Lieber Gruss Brigitte mit Familie Bujda und Charek
Nice home page=)
Hello! Congratulations to the swedish wedding!!! Very interesting combination, hes got a beautiful head! I also think it´s so nice and important that a saluki(or any sighthound) can be both beautiful and preform coursing/racing!!! And I can see that you´ve succed with that=) My smooth male (Rasul) is qualified to the european championship this summer so it´s gonna be so much fun to see all the other dogs when they are coursing! =) I hope for you, Bosse and Bettan at kennel Khalils that she have some puppies growing now=) Take care! Greetings from me and my beloved salukis!